JANUARY 5TH, 2020: THE FEAR OF FAILURE Main Thing: If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?JANUARY 12TH, 2020: THE FEAR OF PAIN Main Thing: Pain is God’s Megaphone to Rouse a Deaf WorldJANUARY 19TH, 2020: THE FEAR OF RIDICULE Main Thing: Time and Consistency Silences...
The Main Thing
Who Does God Bless
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2019: THE ONE WHO FEELS UNDESERVING OF GOD’S BLESSING Main Thing: God Opposes the Proud But Gives Grace To The HumbleNOVEMBER 24TH, 2019: THE ONE WHO FEAR'S GOD Main Thing: Fear of God is Where Wisdom StartsDECEMBER 1ST, 2019: PERSECUTION REFINES AND...
International Orphan Sunday 2019
NOVEMBER 10TH, 2019: INTERNATIONAL ORPHAN SUNDAY Main Thing: What Christ Has Done For Us, We Do For the World
Iron Sharpens Iron
NOVEMBER 3RD, 2019: IRON SHARPENS IRON Main Thing: Discipleships Only Happen When Two People Are Involved
40 Days of Faith
40 DAYS OF FAITH DEVOTIONAL BOOK Need a devotional book for 40 Days of Faith? Download it now and follow along with our series.SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2019: INTRO WEEK Main Thing: Faith is the Combination of Knowledge and TrustSEPTEMBER 15TH, 2019: FAITH WHEN YOU HAVE A PAST...
The Tension is Good
AUGUST 4TH, 2019: BETWEEN PREDESTINATION AND FREE WILL Main Thing: Salvation is found in the tension between the Supremacy of God and the Free Will of People.AUGUST 11TH, 2019: BETWEEN GOD AS FRIEND AND GOD AS KING Main Thing: We RESPECT God as Lord and RELATE to Him...
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