
Rob is currently serving in Tegucigalpa, Honduras after a successful student ministry at Southern Acres Christian Church in Lexington, KY. Rob was attending Catalyst when he decided to follow God’s call on his life into the mission field. Rob currently works in discipleship, training, and aiding local churches in Honduras

Herko Family Mission is a shining light in the Jamaican community, bringing people together through faith and service. Through the mission’s tireless work and the generous support of its donors and volunteers, the Herko Family has made an enormous impact on countless lives. It was founded in 1985 by Dennis and Mary Herko, missionaries and it is a 501c3 organization.

Through her non-profit Joanna Ministries, Inc. Laura works with the ‘Honduran Fellowship’ to connect missionaries serving throughout Honduras and be a part of their care. As the ‘Director of MK Relations’, she mentors teens and college-aged children of missionaries, hosts monthly Bible studies and a yearly camp. She travels to other cities to meet with families along with providing rides, housing, financial assistance and being a resource for in-country needs.

In 2012, we began partnering with a ministry that was planting churches, caring for orphans, and providing for the most neglected and unreached people in the area. Since then, we’ve seen the ministry grow to two orphanage/school buildings, more than four hundred churches planted, and neighboring tribal groups reached with the gospel and clean water projects.

In 2012, we began a church planting organization called ACPM (Asian Church Planting Mission) with representatives from Nepal, India, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. Since then, we’ve seen more than 750 churches planted in these hard-to-reach areas. We provide church planter training, financial resources for pastors and orphans, and ongoing support to our partners there.

Elevate Christian Church
In 2021, we sent our youth pastor Rob Harlamert and a launch team from Catalyst to south Lexington to plant our first daughter church Elevate Christian Church. Meeting at Lexington Christian Academy, they are doing a great job of making Jesus known in the south Lexington area and beyond.