NOVEMBER 18TH, 2018: GO INTO ALL THE WORLD Main Thing: God has called us to go into all the world: here, near, and far.NOVEMBER 25TH, 2018: MAKE DISCIPLES Main Thing: God calls ALL disciples to make disciples.DECEMBER 2ND, 2018: BAPTIZING Main Thing: Baptism is the...
The Main Thing
Orphan Sunday 2018
NOVEMBER 11TH, 2018: ORPHAN SUNDAY 2018 Main Thing: Christians have one of four responses to the orphan crisis in the world.
The Greatest Commandment
NOVEMBER 4TH, 2018: LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE Main Thing: We Need A Great Commitment To The Great Commandment
SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2018: FALSE EXCUSES Main Thing: People Who Are Good At Making Excuses Are Rarely Good At Anything ElseSEPTEMBER 23RD, 2018: FALSE TEACHERS Main Thing: Who You Are Speaks So Loudly I Can't Hear What You're SayingSEPTEMBER 30TH, 2018: FALSE PLEASURES...
SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2018: ENGAGE Main Thing: Discipleship Can’t Happen Without Long Term Friendships
AUGUST 5TH, 2018: STUDY Main Thing: The Truth of God's Word Will Set You FreeAUGUST 12TH, 2018: PRAYER & FASTING Main Thing: Lay Down The Terrible Burden of Having To Have Your Own WayAUGUST 19TH, 2018: SUBMISSION Main Thing: Lay Down The Terrible Burden of Having...
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